What God is that Perfect Word

Lord as the mist rolls out of the grass and drifts away, 
I ask you Father to show me this new day.
With pen in hand and eyes on you, 
I pray lord gift me with words lived through, 
For in no way do I live a perfect life, 
These hours of beauty are with me in strife. 
Grant me father words to other sinners, your truth, 
Show them your way, your words that sooth. 
For what dear God is your perfect word that be, 
That will bring all souls into loves eternity. 
For why is your love , that we search for, to find, so hard, 
When so closely to our souls you guard. 
Free will you gave but our love is all you ever asked, 
For this you sent your Son who like the fisherman’s line you cast. 
The living Story that is in your book be told, 
Of your son Jesus who’s truth given, is so bold. 
Gave us those words, healing and much more, 
After years of offering up sacrifice from before. 
Our Jesus had the answer all along, 
To suffer and die on a cross for all our wrong. 
All proof that Gods Love conquers all, 
In three days his body had left the tomb as was his call. 
For we now have proof of His promise and it is here, 
We only need to believe in Jesus , ask forgiveness and then there is no fear. 

We know now God is three in one, 
He is the father and then the spirit and Jesus the son.