Ask yourself, do you want to be the best that you can be? Is it worth striving for? Do you think that you already are? If you do, that might mean you are full of yourself.

Think about this for a moment! What sacrifice do we make every day, week, and year for the One that we expect to answer our prayers at any time?

Do you know Jesus? Really know him?

When was the last time you spoke to him? Have you ever lifted anyone up in prayer that you didn’t know?

We read our lessons this morning; the Scripture was Joshua 24: 14 and 15. Joshua was, in so many words, telling the Israelites to make up their minds, and it was their choice. He told them the right thing to do. To throw away the other Gods and to wholeheartedly follow the one and true God that freed them. In other words, get off the fence and make a decision; make up your mind!

I took from this as putting the conviction on the people in a subtle way but giving them the decision. Then he made a stand for his Family by saying, “But as for me and my family, we are going to serve the Lord.” I think I saw a repeat of a familiar reading of Billy Graham that I heard a lot growing up and is also a Toby Mac song, “City on Our Knees.” “But if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve.”

The question still stands today just as it did all those hundreds of years ago, even as Jesus Christ in the flesh told us when he was here as our resurrecting promise was so near. God, I love you so much, and I don’t deserve your promise, but I have taken it up, and it’s mine. It can be yours too! Do not let it walk past you. Take it up, let go of yourself, and live with Him.

I think it’s time for the lukewarm or drifted Christians and, especially, those who haven’t taken that important step, need to hear the ultimatum. It’s time we stand up, get off the fence, put the self-sufficient, comfortable “self” out of our lives, and at the end of those conversations with those in the middle or on the edge to answer those questions and not just for peace of mind but for the saving of all souls.