Russell Harper II or Russ, is a writer by the will of God, he is a prayer warrior in his church, Central Christian of Mesa, Arizona. He is the Author of God’s Posts and God’s Posts, Truth Lives in Us All” written through the breath and Inspiration of the Holy Spirit. He is Retired from the US. Navy after 24 years as a Boiler Tech, 22 years at Mansfield Plumbing Products and now retired from Nammo Defense Inc. in Arizona after 20 years.
He is married to His childhood sweetheart Cathy of 43 year’s. They also have 3 wonderful children with families of their own. They have a son Wesslee married to Kim, they have 2 daughters and a son, our oldest daughter Desiree and her husband Jeremy have two daughters, and Crystal and her husband Victor have two daughters and three sons.


What God is that Perfect Word

What God is that Perfect Word

What God is that Perfect Word Lord as the mist rolls out of the grass and drifts away, I ask you Father to show me this new day.With pen in hand and eyes on you, I pray lord gift me with words lived through, For in no way do I live a perfect life, These hours of...

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Revival! God’s Gift to All Within the Body of Christ

Revival! God’s Gift to All Within the Body of Christ

Dear God in Heaven, this is my soapbox which you have given me. Indeed an awakening to clear my mind. Now, Lord, your words flow freely onto this paper with the help of Your Holy Spirit. Give me wisdom and boldness that I may send these words to all. This is Your gift...

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Make Up Your Mind

Make Up Your Mind

Ask yourself, do you want to be the best that you can be? Is it worth striving for? Do you think that you already are? If you do, that might mean you are full of yourself. Think about this for a moment! What sacrifice do we make every day, week, and year for the One...

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